Costs & Payment Policies

What else is available here?

We've set up this website to make it easy for you and your team to work with us.

The things your legal assistant needs are available here on the site in a special section. Feel free to send them directly to the legal assistant section to get them. They'll find our process map and the forms we need them to send us.

The left-hand navigation walks you and your legal assistant through the Setup and Workflow for your mediation.

We've posted our bios, links to pictures, our Facebook and LinkedIn accounts in About Us. Look for it at the top of every page in the site.

We've also posted a list of the types of cases we have mediated.

We've posted our "Rules for the Road" related to mediation. If you're interested, you can find them here.

You might find our blog, "Disputing," of interest. If you're not already subscribed, you can do that here.

You can also send anyone on your team to the Knowledge Center where we regularly post new information about a broad range of topics in appropriate dispute resolution.

Of course, at any time, we encourage you to phone Carolina or me, if you have questions or concerns you are ready to discuss now. You'll find all our contact information here.

Once you decide to work with us, Karl is available to you 24/7 365 days a year.