Which Flavor Are You?
Having worked with Karl for five years, I can testify that he's an easy-going guy who's both a masterful mediator and fun to work with. On the other hand, he's also over 60 now and getting grumpier by the month. So, I've gathered all this information together here to be sure that you get everything you need from us and that you, your attorney, your client and Karl all end up with smiles on your faces.
A. When you're new to mediation and new to us, you're kind of like Cherries Garcia. There's lots of stuff involved in mediation, lots of things going on, plenty of textures and things you might never have anticipated running into.
These are things we expect will help you answer the main questions your attorney is asking:
B. When you're new to us (but not to mediation), you're more like Neapolitan. You've got the best of the basic ingredients, but need to know how your attorney's working processes will jive with ours.
These are things people who are new to us usually ask for:
- Costs and payment policies
- Check availability - access our Calendar directly to hold a date
- Travel policies (links to FAQ section)
- Find out how to get here (links to FAQ)
- Learn more about our team
- Download Karl's full CV
- Complete our Intake Form (create new page with copy from FAQ and a downloadable PDF on page as well as an online form that feeds to Alyson's mail)
- See how we do disputes (timeline and process map)...
- What kinds of documents you need to send us so Karl can prepare
- Facilities and working lunch requests
- W9 Forms (tiny intro about what you have to do with form and PDF of form)
- FAQs
C. When you're experienced with mediation and already working with us you're more like Vanilla. Not because you're plain, but because you have already mastered the subtleties and complexities of mediated disputes and can blend in just about anywhere.
You know the drill with us. But, if you need help, by all means contact Alyson anytime for help with specific problems or special requests.
- Check availability - access our Calendar directly to hold a date
- Complete our Intake Form (create new page with copy from FAQ and a downloadable PDF on page as well as an online form that feeds to Alyson's mail)
- Send directions to your parties (links to FAQ section)
- Facilities and working lunch requests
- Special request form (online form that outputs to AC email and also a downloadable PDF)
- W9 Forms
- FAQs